Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Latest Addition

Well the latest addition to the Schwab family is here - her name is Delia Helene Schwab. She arrived on 6/23 at 1.03 pm at 20.75 inches and 8lbs 9 ozs. Sara was a champ again. We arrived to Scripps about 11.30 and it seemed for a while like we might have a long day ahead of us - she checked in at 6cm dilated. Things took a turn for the better and Sara was feeling ready to push so Doctor broke her water at 1 and went to get ready. Sara fired Delia out at 1.03. The nurse caught her head with one half gloved hand while she pulled the other glove on with her teeth while yelling for the Doctor who came charging in to make a webgem shoestring catch - all right - I'm exaggerating on the webgem shoestring bit, but the rest was true. The doctor skipped with the fancy sterile gloves and threw on the purple nitriles, no hair net or surgical gown as the head was all the way out when she arrived. Two pushes and out came Delia.

Check out the pics and see for yourselves - but looks an awful lot like her big sister. Maybe we all look alike after soaking in water for 10 months, but a bit eerie, a rounder face and slightly more hair, but besides that - déjà vu.

Allright, that’s all for now, but wanted to share the great news and some pics. Hopefully Sara and Delia come home tomorrow – and I’m sure after Sara reads this my blogging card will be suspended – but hope you enjoyed! Brandon

BTW - just got a text from Sara and apparently she's inherited my GI track as she's already under 8 pounds and burned through a 6 pack of dipes.

The 3 girls Proud Big Sister

Delia on the top (with hat on) - Claire on the bottom (no hat)
Dad and Delia


DarcyBaugh said...
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DarcyBaugh said...

Thanks for the update! She is absolutely beautiful! You are officially outnumbered! ;) ;)

Casey said...

Congratulations guys!!! I finally was able to get the text photo and Richard got the email so even though we were off the radar in Maine for 10 days, we feel very much a part of the loop and have been thinking of you nonstop! Two girls all around, we certainly love it and we know Claire is over the moon! Congrats on getting the blog back up and running, too! I'm one of your biggest fans and I was so excited to check in and, cool as he is, NOT see Sean at Sea World!

Love you guys! Congrats xoxo