Monday, June 14, 2010


Being my first day on maternity leave, I thought I'd find some time to update this thing. It's only
been a year and 3 months! And people really think I have time to do Facebook- ha!

We are all anxiously awaiting the arrival of the newest member to our family. As most of you know, Claire is absolutely determined to have a little sister. I'm sure she'll need a few sessions of therapy if it turns out to be a boy, but either way she will be a great big sister. She has told me that she will be able to feed the baby all by herself and recently has been asking me how I will get the baby out. I told her Mommy would have to push the baby out and she said she would help- she started pushing on my belly. Oh, if it were only going to be that easy!

Claire is also very proud of the fact that she is now 3 years old. We celebrated by going to Disneyland on her big day. Little did B and I know that she would have been perfectly satisfied with staying in a hotel room and going on a bus ride. She did end up having a blast, as did we. Most of the rides were very cool and she thought seeing the different characters was a lot of fun. There was a little hesitancy at first with Mickey, but she slowly got over it by the end of the day. She also got to have a 'rainbow sparkle cake' and a couple of her friends over on Friday, which led her to think that she should continue to have parties on a much more regular basis!

As I said earlier, we are now in waiting mode for the baby. I had my last day of work on Friday and am trying to get a little bit of relaxation in before his/her arrival. We will be sure to keep all of you posted if there is any appearance by the little one. Hopefully you'll be hearing from one of us sooner rather than later!

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